A Solution
for all industries.

Powerful tailored
features for your industry.

General Merchandise

TOTECS has been providing tailored solutions to the General Merchandise industry for over 15 years, understanding the intricacies of the industry. One of the biggest challenges in this fast-paced industry is the need for a website that can keep up with the business demands. TOTECS addresses this issue by offering a range of key features specifically designed for the General Merchandise industry.

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EzyMart Distribution

Australia's largest wholesale distributors, importers and suppliers of products to convenience stores, newsagencies and pharmacies.


Australia's leading distributor and wholesaler of general merchandise to supermarkets, hardware stores, pharmacies, pet stores and variety markets.


Australian-based importer and wholesale distributor of FMCG and general merchandise.

Case Study.

Transforming B2B E-Commerce: A Case Study of ezymartdistribution.com.au

EzyMart Distribution Pty Ltd, an Australian-owned wholesale business specializing in convenience products, sought to streamline and enhance its operations. Established in 2015, the company boasts an experienced operations team with over 20 years of expertise in distribution and supplying convenience needs. In its pursuit of operational efficiency and growth, EzyMart Distribution turned to the TOTECS Platform, a comprehensive business solution.