TOT-3825 - Clone content managed website within the Websites Admin Centre interface
There is now the ability for administrator users to clone an existing content managed website, allowing a new content managed website containing all content copied from an existing website.
This makes it easy for businesses to set up secondary websites based on the exact same structure and content of an existing website.
Within the Administration Centre, in the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, in the Websites tree for each website a new tree node appears labelled "Clone Website".
When this is clicked on the Clone Website dialog will appear where users can enter the domain and other details about the new website.
Once the Create button is clicked on a new content managed website will be created and all of the content of the existing website will be copied across to the new website.
Once a new content managed website is created the TOTECS service will need to be notified about the new website so that the TOTECS platform servers can be configured to forward requests to the website based on its new domain.
Separate the domain of the new website will need to be purchased and DNS records configured to point the domain to the TOTECS platform servers.
Functionality Affected: Websites Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal
TOT-2615 - Import the SEO code field via product text file import within the Data Imports Admin Centre interface
When importing product data from CSV spreadsheet file there is now the ability to set SEO Code field data for each product.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, within the Data Imports interface, under the Text File Imports tab, when running a Products data import, there is now the ability to import the SEO Code data for each product.
Functionality Affected: Products Text File Data Import
Impact: Normal
TOT-3749 - Allow guest users to an upload attachment file within the Enquiry Form content managed web page area
On a content managed web page area containing an Enquiry Form area, if the area is viewed as a guest user then it is now able to support displaying the File Upload form element if a ReCaptcha element is also included in the Enquiry Form.
This allows a guest user to upload an attachment file. In order to allow this uploading functionality the ReCaptcha form element must also be embedded within the area. This ensures that only humans can upload files and protects the project from getting spanned with questionable files.
Functionality Affected: Enquiry Form content managed web page area
Impact: Normal
TOT-3804 - Display products against news items that aren't assigned to categories
Within a content managed website, in a Product News Listing area, all products assigned to a news item will now display regardless of whether or not that product is assigned to a category.
Previously a product had to be assigned to a category to allow it to display in the Product News Listing area.
Functionality Affected: Product News Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal
TOT-3808 - Export Product Stock Levels Data API to return product description fields
Within the TOTECS API, when calling the Export Product Stock Levels endpoint, for each product record returned it now includes the product's description1, description2, description3, and description4 fields for each record returned.
This allows customers and other external systems to obtain more data about the products being sold that are connected through the TOTECS API.
Functionality Affected: Export Product Stock Levels API endpoint
Impact: Normal
TOT-3810 - Display product customer account prices with a quantity break of less than 1 in Category and Product Search Result Listing content managed web page areas
There's now the ability for products with customer account specific volume discounts pricing to display in product search result listings, when the volume has a quantity set at below 1 and the project is configured to allow volume discounts above a quantity.
Both on the Product Search page of the Trade interface and on any content managed web page areas that contain Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing areas, the the product search results now are able to display customer specific pricing for a product when the "Volume Discounts Threshold Direction" project setting is set to Above Quantity or Equal and Above Quantity, and the "Units Per Pack" setting is set to off, and the customer account product price is set for a quantity less than 1.
Functionality Affected: Product Search Results process
Impact: Normal
TOT-3819 - Product search rule to find products assigned to a flag within the Product Search and Product Deals and Vouchers Admin Centre interfaces
Within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, within the Product Search interface, a new advanced search category has been added called "Flags".
This search category contains two new search rules, one rule that allows products that are assigned to a flag to be found based on either the Flag ID or Flag Name and another rule that allows all products that either are, or are not, assigned to a flag to be found.
Functionality Affected: Product Search and Product Deals and Vouchers Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal
TOT-3823 - Protect TOTECS.retail.loader.loadFunction from being called with an undefined, or invalid parameter.
When a content managed web page area is loaded and contains 3rd party javascript code, additional error handling has been added to ensure that uncaught Javascript errors are raised when calling the TOTECS.retail.loader.loadFunction.
When this occurs the Javascript output in a web browser's console will provide more details information about the reason why the Javascript being loaded has not been correctly configured.
Functionality Affected: Content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal
TOT-3827 - Assign primary customer account location to users and orders
If the Locations feature is turned on, then when a user logs into either the Trade interface or a content managed website then a location will be assigned to the user's session.
If the project's "Customer Accounts Assign Location To Orders" setting is set to Yes then the location assigned to the user will be based on the primary location that their customer account is assigned to.
If that setting is set to No, then the location assigned to them will be based on location with the code matching the value set in the "Default Location Code" setting.
If a user switches between accounts then the primary location assigned to the account assigned to the user if the "Switch Warehouse When Sales Rep Switches Account" setting is set to "Yes".
When a user goes through the Order Checkout/Submission process if a order surcharge rule explicitly sets the location to be assigned to the order then it will be set as so, otherwise the location assigned to the order will be based on the location assigned in the user's session.
If the Locations feature is turned on the within the Administration Centre, Under the Stores menu, within the Orders interface, upon clicking on an order, the location assigned to an order will display with the other details, as labelled "Location Code", "Location Name".
This makes it easier for administrator users to understand the location that was assigned to the order.
Functionality Affected: User Login, Customer Account Switching, Order Submission processes, Order Detail Administration Centre Interface
Impact: Normal
Bug Fixes
TOT-3818 - Product Combinations Connector data import fails to successfully finish if duplicate parent combination product records are being imported
Within the Adminsitration Centre, clicking on the Data menu button, within the Data Imports interface, in the Connector Data Imports tab, when a Product Combinations data import was run and the data contained multiple parent combination products that are the same product, the data import would fail to successfully complete and display an error with the message tem_matrix_data_field`, CONSTRAINT `item_matrix_data_field_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`matrix_id`) REFERENCES `item_matrix` (`matrix_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE).
Now when a Product Combinations data import is run and the data contains multiple parent combination products that are the same product the data import will now ignore importing a parent combination product record if a previously record with the same product has already been imported. This will ensure that the data import does not try to create multiple parent combination product records in the database, which is not allowed.
Functionality Affected: Combination Products Connector data import
Impact: Normal
TOT-3821 - Child combination stock levels are not being updated when combinations have been selected
On a content managed web page displaying the parent combination product within a Product Detail area, within the Product Details format the $product_stock_level_element_id$ used with $product_stock_level_class$ was not updating theproduct stock quantity values when a combination child product has been selected.
Now within a Product Detail webpage area, if the volume discount table is not present, a JavaScript error will no longer occur causing other features to fail, allow the stock levels to update when a different child combination product is displayed.
Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Normal
TOT-3822 - Product Combinations Connector data import fails to provide enough details in error message when it cannot import the duplicate combination field values
Within the Adminsitration Centre, clicking on the Data menu button, within the Data Imports interface, in the Connector Data Imports tab, when a Product Combinations data import was run and the data being imported contained multiple combination profile field values that had the same keyComboProfileFieldValueID, the data export fails, but its error message does not provide enough details about why it failed.
The Product Combinations Connector data import has been modified to provide more information in the error message to specify the KeyComboProfileID, KeyComboProfileFIeldID, and keyComboProfileFieldValueID of the duplicate record that needs to be fixed for removed from the the data being imported
Functionality Affected: Combination Products Connector data import
On a content managed web page area that displays a Product Detail area, the hook _P_PriceEx_rrp_titled was outputting unnecessary nbsp characters, causing problems in being able to style the data using CSS.
Within a Product Detail content managed web page area, the hook _P_Price_Ex_rrp_titled has been modffied no longer output unnecessary nbsp characters.
Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Minor
TOT-3811 - Order confirmation emails for orders submitted by customers with Sales Reps are being sent to the order notification email address twice
When a user whose account was assigned to a salesrep that is set to receive order confirmation emails submits an order the order notification email was sent to the email address set in the 'Order Submission And Registration Email' twice.
The system sales email will no longer receive duplicate order confirmation emails when a user who is assigned to a sales rep, who has the receive order confirmation email notifications turned on, and submits an order.
Functionality Affected: Order Submission process
Impact: Normal
TOT-3814 - $product_records_per_page_drop_down$ displays 50 when 200 has been selected
On a content managed webpage displaying a Categpry Listing or Product Search Reults Listing area, when a user selects 200 from the $product_records_per_page_drop_down$ the value still displays 50, and only 50 records are displayed.
Within a content managed web page displaying a Category Listing or Product Search Results Listing area, a user can now successfully choose to display 200 product records per page.
Functionality Affected: Product Search Results Listing, Category Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Minor
TOT-3817 - Product Combinations Connector data import fails to complete when a parent product combination product tries to be assigned to a different combination profile
Within the Administration Centre or through the Connector software, when running a Combination Products Connector data import, the data import would fail if an existing parent combination product had previously been set up in the project, then when the data import runs it tried to assign the parent product to a different combination profile.
The Product Combinations Connector data import has been modified to correctly handle when an existing parent combination product is being reassigned to a different combination profile. Previously the platform would not allow this to occur.
Functionality Affected: Combination Products Connector data import
8th June 2018
New Features
TOT-3825 - Clone content managed website within the Websites Admin Centre interface
There is now the ability for administrator users to clone an existing content managed website, allowing a new content managed website containing all content copied from an existing website.
This makes it easy for businesses to set up secondary websites based on the exact same structure and content of an existing website.
Within the Administration Centre, in the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, in the Websites tree for each website a new tree node appears labelled "Clone Website".
When this is clicked on the Clone Website dialog will appear where users can enter the domain and other details about the new website.
Once the Create button is clicked on a new content managed website will be created and all of the content of the existing website will be copied across to the new website.
Once a new content managed website is created the TOTECS service will need to be notified about the new website so that the TOTECS platform servers can be configured to forward requests to the website based on its new domain.
Separate the domain of the new website will need to be purchased and DNS records configured to point the domain to the TOTECS platform servers.
Functionality Affected: Websites Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal
TOT-2615 - Import the SEO code field via product text file import within the Data Imports Admin Centre interface
When importing product data from CSV spreadsheet file there is now the ability to set SEO Code field data for each product.
Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, within the Data Imports interface, under the Text File Imports tab, when running a Products data import, there is now the ability to import the SEO Code data for each product.
Functionality Affected: Products Text File Data Import
Impact: Normal
TOT-3749 - Allow guest users to an upload attachment file within the Enquiry Form content managed web page area
On a content managed web page area containing an Enquiry Form area, if the area is viewed as a guest user then it is now able to support displaying the File Upload form element if a ReCaptcha element is also included in the Enquiry Form.
This allows a guest user to upload an attachment file. In order to allow this uploading functionality the ReCaptcha form element must also be embedded within the area. This ensures that only humans can upload files and protects the project from getting spanned with questionable files.
Functionality Affected: Enquiry Form content managed web page area
Impact: Normal
TOT-3804 - Display products against news items that aren't assigned to categories
Within a content managed website, in a Product News Listing area, all products assigned to a news item will now display regardless of whether or not that product is assigned to a category.
Previously a product had to be assigned to a category to allow it to display in the Product News Listing area.
Functionality Affected: Product News Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal
TOT-3808 - Export Product Stock Levels Data API to return product description fields
Within the TOTECS API, when calling the Export Product Stock Levels endpoint, for each product record returned it now includes the product's description1, description2, description3, and description4 fields for each record returned.
This allows customers and other external systems to obtain more data about the products being sold that are connected through the TOTECS API.
Functionality Affected: Export Product Stock Levels API endpoint
Impact: Normal
TOT-3810 - Display product customer account prices with a quantity break of less than 1 in Category and Product Search Result Listing content managed web page areas
There's now the ability for products with customer account specific volume discounts pricing to display in product search result listings, when the volume has a quantity set at below 1 and the project is configured to allow volume discounts above a quantity.
Both on the Product Search page of the Trade interface and on any content managed web page areas that contain Category Listing and Product Search Results Listing areas, the the product search results now are able to display customer specific pricing for a product when the "Volume Discounts Threshold Direction" project setting is set to Above Quantity or Equal and Above Quantity, and the "Units Per Pack" setting is set to off, and the customer account product price is set for a quantity less than 1.
Functionality Affected: Product Search Results process
Impact: Normal
TOT-3819 - Product search rule to find products assigned to a flag within the Product Search and Product Deals and Vouchers Admin Centre interfaces
Within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, within the Product Search interface, a new advanced search category has been added called "Flags".
This search category contains two new search rules, one rule that allows products that are assigned to a flag to be found based on either the Flag ID or Flag Name and another rule that allows all products that either are, or are not, assigned to a flag to be found.
Functionality Affected: Product Search and Product Deals and Vouchers Administration Centre interface
Impact: Normal
TOT-3823 - Protect TOTECS.retail.loader.loadFunction from being called with an undefined, or invalid parameter.
When a content managed web page area is loaded and contains 3rd party javascript code, additional error handling has been added to ensure that uncaught Javascript errors are raised when calling the TOTECS.retail.loader.loadFunction.
When this occurs the Javascript output in a web browser's console will provide more details information about the reason why the Javascript being loaded has not been correctly configured.
Functionality Affected: Content managed web page areas
Impact: Normal
TOT-3827 - Assign primary customer account location to users and orders
If the Locations feature is turned on, then when a user logs into either the Trade interface or a content managed website then a location will be assigned to the user's session.
If the project's "Customer Accounts Assign Location To Orders" setting is set to Yes then the location assigned to the user will be based on the primary location that their customer account is assigned to.
If that setting is set to No, then the location assigned to them will be based on location with the code matching the value set in the "Default Location Code" setting.
If a user switches between accounts then the primary location assigned to the account assigned to the user if the "Switch Warehouse When Sales Rep Switches Account" setting is set to "Yes".
When a user goes through the Order Checkout/Submission process if a order surcharge rule explicitly sets the location to be assigned to the order then it will be set as so, otherwise the location assigned to the order will be based on the location assigned in the user's session.
If the Locations feature is turned on the within the Administration Centre, Under the Stores menu, within the Orders interface, upon clicking on an order, the location assigned to an order will display with the other details, as labelled "Location Code", "Location Name".
This makes it easier for administrator users to understand the location that was assigned to the order.
Functionality Affected: User Login, Customer Account Switching, Order Submission processes, Order Detail Administration Centre Interface
Impact: Normal
Bug Fixes
TOT-3818 - Product Combinations Connector data import fails to successfully finish if duplicate parent combination product records are being imported
Within the Adminsitration Centre, clicking on the Data menu button, within the Data Imports interface, in the Connector Data Imports tab, when a Product Combinations data import was run and the data contained multiple parent combination products that are the same product, the data import would fail to successfully complete and display an error with the message tem_matrix_data_field`, CONSTRAINT `item_matrix_data_field_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`matrix_id`) REFERENCES `item_matrix` (`matrix_id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE).
Now when a Product Combinations data import is run and the data contains multiple parent combination products that are the same product the data import will now ignore importing a parent combination product record if a previously record with the same product has already been imported. This will ensure that the data import does not try to create multiple parent combination product records in the database, which is not allowed.
Functionality Affected: Combination Products Connector data import
Impact: Normal
TOT-3821 - Child combination stock levels are not being updated when combinations have been selected
On a content managed web page displaying the parent combination product within a Product Detail area, within the Product Details format the $product_stock_level_element_id$ used with $product_stock_level_class$ was not updating theproduct stock quantity values when a combination child product has been selected.
Now within a Product Detail webpage area, if the volume discount table is not present, a JavaScript error will no longer occur causing other features to fail, allow the stock levels to update when a different child combination product is displayed.
Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Normal
TOT-3822 - Product Combinations Connector data import fails to provide enough details in error message when it cannot import the duplicate combination field values
Within the Adminsitration Centre, clicking on the Data menu button, within the Data Imports interface, in the Connector Data Imports tab, when a Product Combinations data import was run and the data being imported contained multiple combination profile field values that had the same keyComboProfileFieldValueID, the data export fails, but its error message does not provide enough details about why it failed.
The Product Combinations Connector data import has been modified to provide more information in the error message to specify the KeyComboProfileID, KeyComboProfileFIeldID, and keyComboProfileFieldValueID of the duplicate record that needs to be fixed for removed from the the data being imported
Functionality Affected: Combination Products Connector data import
Impact: Normal
TOT-3809 - _P_PriceEx_rrp_titled hook outputting unnecessary nbsp characters
On a content managed web page area that displays a Product Detail area, the hook _P_PriceEx_rrp_titled was outputting unnecessary nbsp characters, causing problems in being able to style the data using CSS.
Within a Product Detail content managed web page area, the hook _P_Price_Ex_rrp_titled has been modffied no longer output unnecessary nbsp characters.
Functionality Affected: Product Detail content managed web page area
Impact: Minor
TOT-3811 - Order confirmation emails for orders submitted by customers with Sales Reps are being sent to the order notification email address twice
When a user whose account was assigned to a salesrep that is set to receive order confirmation emails submits an order the order notification email was sent to the email address set in the 'Order Submission And Registration Email' twice.
The system sales email will no longer receive duplicate order confirmation emails when a user who is assigned to a sales rep, who has the receive order confirmation email notifications turned on, and submits an order.
Functionality Affected: Order Submission process
Impact: Normal
TOT-3814 - $product_records_per_page_drop_down$ displays 50 when 200 has been selected
On a content managed webpage displaying a Categpry Listing or Product Search Reults Listing area, when a user selects 200 from the $product_records_per_page_drop_down$ the value still displays 50, and only 50 records are displayed.
Within a content managed web page displaying a Category Listing or Product Search Results Listing area, a user can now successfully choose to display 200 product records per page.
Functionality Affected: Product Search Results Listing, Category Listing content managed web page areas
Impact: Minor
TOT-3817 - Product Combinations Connector data import fails to complete when a parent product combination product tries to be assigned to a different combination profile
Within the Administration Centre or through the Connector software, when running a Combination Products Connector data import, the data import would fail if an existing parent combination product had previously been set up in the project, then when the data import runs it tried to assign the parent product to a different combination profile.
The Product Combinations Connector data import has been modified to correctly handle when an existing parent combination product is being reassigned to a different combination profile. Previously the platform would not allow this to occur.
Functionality Affected: Combination Products Connector data import
Impact: Normal