Product Account Pricing data export in Micronet Distribution adaptor failing to export discount matrix data
AuthorRowan Drew 25th June 2015
It was reported within the Connector, when the Micronet Distribution adaptor was used to obtain Product Account Pricing and the "Export Category Discount Pricing" setting within the adaptor is set to Yes, the data export was failing to complete and an error was appearing in the Connector's logs with the following details: Message: Unable to connect to Micronet29 Connector or close its connection Technical Message: Error occurred when generating Customer Account Pricing. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.. Stopped at account ID: Contract ID: Discount Category: 25
25th June 2015
Message: Unable to connect to Micronet29 Connector or close its connection
Technical Message: Error occurred when generating Customer Account Pricing. Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.. Stopped at account ID: Contract ID: Discount Category: 25