Share knowledge about how businesses can manage their Cyber Security

A recent report by the Australian Signals Directorate shows that malicious cyber activity continues to pose a risk to Australia’s security and prosperity for small, medium and large businesses.

Many Australian businesses, hold sensitive and valuable information making them attractive targets for cybercriminals.

The most common cyber threats to watch out for include email compromise, business email compromise fraud (financial loss) and online banking fraud.

Malicious cyber actors often exploit unpatched and misconfigured systems, or take advantage of weak or re-used credentials to access systems and networks. Here at TOTECS, where we can, we aim to assist with patches, updates and/ or mitigate vulnerabilities in our platform when vulnerabilities are assessed as critical by vendors or when working exploits exist.

To defend against email attacks, we encourage our clients to set aside time for regular cyber security training, and ensure staff are cautious of emails that contain requests for payment or change of bank details, or contain an email address that doesn’t look right.

If staff receive suspicious emails, they should verify the legitimacy of suspicious messages via the organisation’s official website or verified contact information. Contact details that were sent as part of a message should not be trusted, as these could be fraudulent.

For information regarding the report, click here:

So what can you do to best protect your business?

  • Turn on multi-factor authentication for online services.
  • Use long and unique passphrases for every account. Password managers can assist with creating passphrases to protect your account.
  • Turn on automatic updates for all software, and do not ignore installation prompts.
  • Regularly back up important files and device configurations settings.
  • Be alert for phishing messages and scams.
  • Only use reputable cloud service providers and managed service providers that implement appropriate cyber security measures.
  • Regularly test cyber security detection, incident response, business continuity and disaster recovery plans.
  • Review the cyber security posture of remote workers including their use of communication, collaboration and business productivity software.
  • Train staff on cyber security matters, in particular how to recognise scams and phishing attempts.
  • Let TOTECS know as soon you find or feel something isn't as it should be so we can help you straight away.

Here at TOTECS we understand and appreciate that cybersecurity is an ongoing effort. Businesses need to remain vigilant and adaptable to stay ahead of evolving threats and as businesses grow, their digital footprint expands, making them more attractive targets for cybercriminals.

Let's work together to make Australian businesses a difficult target for cybercrime!