Help Centre Forum


TOTECS Platform Release 12.03

Author moderator
15th December 2017

New Features

TOT-3445 - Quotes Listing Account Enquiry content managed web page area

A new content managed webpage area has been created called the "Customer Account Quotes Listing" area. This area is able to load quotes retrieved from a connected accounting/ERP/business system through the Connector software.
This area can retrieve a list of quotes associated to the user's active customer account, and allow quotes to be filtered by a date range, as well as allow the user to search for quotes matching a quote number. The area also has an option to allow users to display only quotes that haven't expired.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Quotes Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3744 - Quotes Detail Account Enquiry content managed web page area

A new content managed webpage area has been created called the "Customer Account Quote Details" area. This area is able to load a quote retrieved from a connected accounting/ERP/business system through the Connector software.
This area displays the details of a quote associated to the user's active customer account.

Functionality Affected: Customer Account Quote Details content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3746 - Customer Account Quotes Account Enquiry LIsting within Trade/Admin Centre

Within the Account Enquiry feature for both the Trade interface and the Administration Centre a quotes tab now exists that displays a list of quote records and quote details queried from the connected acounting/ERP/business system through the Connector software.
The user can search for quote records based on date range, as well view the details of each quote record retrieved from the connected business system.

Functionality Affected: Account Enquiry trade interface page, Account Enquiry admin centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3745 - Customer Account Enquiry Quote Record to Sales Order Conversion

Within any content managed websites deployed on the platform there is now the ability for users to convert quotes retrieved from connecting accounting and ERP systems into sales orders.
This feature allows customers, sales reps and staff to load up quotes, then select a quote to convert into a sales order, by completing the order checkout process for that quote.
On a content managed web page that contains either a "Customer Account Quote Listing" and "Customer Account Quote Details" content managed webpage area, a button can be displayed that allows the user to create an order from a given quote.
If the quote has expired, the quote pricing will be overwritten by system pricing, otherwise the user will be able to order the products at the price specified within the quote.
If the products are successfully found and in stock, the user will be taken to the order review page and can proceed through the checkout process, allowing a sales order to be created based on the products set within the quote.
Within the Order Details page the user will be able to choose either the address set within the quote, or else select an address they have previously saved.
Note that when the user proceeds to the Order Review step that the surcharges will be recalculated and this may cause the total of the original quote to alter, due to the way they have selected to pay for the order, or where the order is being delivered to.

Functionality Affected: Order Checkout/Submission content managed web page area, Customer Account Quote Listing content managed web page area, Customer Account Quote Details content managed web page area
Impact: Normal

TOT-3729 - Make/Model Connector Data Imports

3 Connector data exports have been added to the TOTECS platform to all Make/Model data to be imported into a project from external systems, through the Connector software.Within the Administration Centre, under the Data menu, in the Data Imports interface, within the Connector Imports tab, three new import types have been added.

  • - Makes import: Imports a list of makes (Manufacturers) that each specify a business that creates models (collections of component products bundled into a single product).
  • Models import: Imports a list of models, where each model represents a collection of component products bundled into a single product. Models are typically designated a time or code when they were first released. For each model record a collection of attribute values are also imported, that contains any additional information about a model.
  • Model/Product/Category Mappings import: Imports a list of mapping records, that each assign a product to category for a given model. These mappings are used to show the products that are included in a model, and are categorised to make it easy for users to find where in the model the product exists.

Functionality Affected: Makes connector data import, Models data import, Model Product Category Mappings data import.
Impact: Normal

Bug Fixes

TOT-3718Opening curly bracket "{" set in a product name causes basket details, and product quick add form to not display correctly within the Trade Interface

Within the trade Interface, if a product name contains an opening curly bracket "{", then within the basket details page's basket products listing table, the record for that product would not load. Addtionally The user would not be uble to add that product to basket using the quick add form.
Now on the basket page for product names containing curly or square brackets will now have the brackets replaced with regular rounded brackets. This ensures that the product name does not interfere with the underlying code that formats each of the product records.

Functionality Affected: Basket Products Trade interface page
Impact: Normal

TOT-3730 - Quick add not returning results if search string has non alphanumerical character

Within the Trade interface, within the basket page, when using the Quick Add function searching on the name field, if the search string contains a non alpha-numerical character, no results will be incorrectly returned.
Now the Quick Add correctly returns matching products when the search text entered contains only non alpha-numerical characters.

Functionality Affected: Basket Products Trade interface page
Impact: Normal

TOT-3736 - Semrush Bot Server requests being shown as Seznam Bot within Project Traffic Statistics admin centre interface

Within the Administration Centre, under the Statistics menu, within the Project Traffic Statistics interface, the crawler statistics for the SemRush bot were incorrectly being included in the Seznam bot statistics.The Project Traffic Statistics interface has been modified so that all crawler project server requests associated within Semrush now correctly show.

Functionality Affected: Project Traffic Statistics administration centre interface
Impact: Minor

TOT-3737 - Date information not displaying within transactions listing content managed webpage area

On a Transactions Listing content managed web page area the dates of the transactions records were incorrectly showing as empty values.
Now the date hooks for the transsaction records retrieved from the connected business system correctly display.

Functionality Affected: Transactions Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Minor

TOT-3739 - Product added to back order message is displaying extra html entities at the end of the message text

Across any content managed web page if a user attempted to add a product to basket that was out of stock, then if a back order message displayed within an browser alert dialog, the end of the message would incorrectly display a break HTML tag text.
The Add to Basket message dialog has been modified to ensure that no HTML code displayed within the dialog.

Functionality Affected: Add To Basket process.
Impact: Minor

TOT-3742 - Customer Account Invoice Payment Form content managed webpage area not available to be created when conditions are met.

Within the Administration Centre, under the Websites menu, within the Websites interface, when adding a webpage area to a content managed webpage in the Web Page Editor, within the Account Enquiry area type, the Customer Account Invoice Payment Form area type does not display and cannot be created.
The Add Area To Web Page dialog has now been modified to ensure that the Customer Account Invoice Payment Form area can be selected and added to a content managed web page area.

Functionality Affected: Web Page Editor administration centre interface
Impact: Normal

TOT-3751 - Product dimensions not being rounded within Basket Product Listing content managed web page area

On a content managed web page containing a Basket Product Listing area, if the area's Basket Product Record formatted had the $_B_UnitWidth$, $_B_UnitHeight$, $_B_UnitDepth$ or $_B_UnitWeight$ hooks embedded within it, the values for these hooks were not being rounded and always displaying with 4 decimal place numbers.
The area has been modfiied to now correctly round the numbers displayed in the hooks based on the "Dimension Decimal Places" and "Weight Decimal Places" settings, found within the Administration Centre, under the Inventory menu, within the Product Settings interface.

Functionality Affected: Basket Product Listing content managed web page area
Impact: Minor

TOT-3752 - Forgot Password content managed web page area not allowing users to reset their password

On a content managed web page area displaying a Forgot Password Form area, users may not have been able to use the area to view security questions or reset their password, depending on if other areas loaded on the web page or not.
A bug has been fixed to ensure that the area always loads correctly on a content managed web page, ensuring that users can use the area to reset their password.

Functionality Affected: Forgot Password Form content managed web page area
Impact: Normal